30 August 2009

Art Lesson

Fitness Friday

Our Snail Craft

Grumpy Elephant: Puppet Show

This week, our new Stellar big book is Grumpy Elephant. Pupils made hand puppets and presented the story in a puppet show! Great fun!

Math Hands-on Activity: Time

During Math lesson, the class learnt to tell time to the hour and half hour. Each pupil made their very own clock and everyone has great fun showing the stated time on their own clocks.

19 August 2009

Math Hands-on Activity: Division

We are learning Division this week.
Pupils learnt that to divide is to share equally.
To divide is also to find the number of equal groups.
These concepts are best learnt through fun hands-on activities.

Group Writing Activity

The next day (Wed 19 Aug), the class was divided into groups to engage in Group Writing Activity. As a group, pupils discussed and modified the Class Writing by changing the choice of ice-cream flavours and toppings. Pupils also illustrated their stories. Then, they presented their stories to the class.

Class Writing after the Ice-cream Party

After our ice-cream party on Tuesday, we did Class Writing about the experience of decorating and eating ice cream. Mrs Tong elicited ideas from the pupils to write the story. After that, pupils illustrated the story. It was great fun!

18 August 2009

Ice-cream Party

The Ice-cream Party today was a great challenge and a great success!
We had a half-an-hour of fun time at the canteen, decorating and eating ice cream.
We added healthy raisins and honey stars as toppings on our scoops of vanilla ice cream.
Colourful rainbow rice was also sprinkled on top to make it beautiful and mouth-watering.
The class even sang the Ice-cream Song (from 'The Giant's Ice Cream' storybook):
Ice cream, ice cream
Yummy stuff!
Ice cream, ice cream
Make me tough!

The only problem encountered was that the weather was so hot that our ice cream melted very quickly!